Where Do Your Blog Visitors Click the Most?

By Lynette Chandler

You may already have some form of visitor statistics installed on your blog, which should show you standard tracking data like post popularity, geo-location of visitors, and where your traffic is coming from. But, do you ever stop to think that every pixel on your screen has its importance? What is the best positioning of your ads, and where is the best place to put your RSS feed button?

How about where to put links to your products and services? What do people actually click on? What are people's eyes drawn to?

Each blog has its unique 'heat map' - where people focus their eyes or click on the most - since many of us have unique blog designs. So what may work very well for your friend's blog may not be so hot on yours. It's easy and free to find out this information using CrazyEgg.com.

Using a system like this can be very useful if you decide to change the blog theme or change things around. You can use the map to test to see if the new design is an improvement as well as the site still being pleasant to look at. Another good thing about CrazyEgg is the feature of estimating which visitors are more likely to click on which links.

The system can be used for many other kinds of tracking of sales and advertisements. Alternatives to CrazyEgg are also available if you want to compare.

ClickHeat - this is actually an open source script from Labsmedia.com, which you can install on your own site. Works a lot like CrazyEgg, maybe not as detailed reporting.

A separate alternative named Feng-GUI.com can be used, which produces an image of your website, then simulates whereabout the average user will click on your webpage. Use the Firefox plug-in "viewfinder website heat map" to make the task easier. Using this tool will be ideal when just building your site, but using a paid version will be more beneficial in the long run.

Also consider Clickdensity.com, which is equal in comparison to CrazyEgg, and also offers additional A/B split testing.

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

There are several tools available for monitoring visitors click. A heatmap is the best option one can use to capture this detail. You have suggested so many tools in this post. I will definitely consider them.