Training Creates Structure For Dogs

By Isabella Gibby

I recommend that a dumb-bell be used for large dogs when teaching retrieve, because it has big ends to make the center bar stand up off the ground. This enables the dog to pick it up easily. If you are a yorkie owner like me, find a smaller object with similar qualities.

When my friend wants to train his dog he uses bones, because his dog loves bones. If my friend's dog's bone cracks she drops it and won't touch it again, until she has it examined for safety. If your dog doesn't examine bones for safety I recommend checking them yourself, as an oversight can be deathly to your dog.

Train your dog to retrieve an object. Retrieving an object is another great skill to put in your dog?s bag of tricks. I think most dog owners should teach their dogs this trick.

Gently open the dog's mouth by inserting your finger into the side of the mouth where there are no teeth, immediately behind the large canine tooth. Always keep your hand on top of the dog's nose, not trying to pull down the bottom jaw.

If your dog lacks the proper yorkie guarding instinct, it may be taught, with the help of a friend that the dog does not know, nor will spend time with in the future. Get the friend to approach the car as she puts her hand on the door, tell your yorkie in a rousing voice ?get her.?

This must be said with so much vehemence that the dog is egged on to such a state of excitement that he naturally barks. Directly he does so, praise him, and repeat this as often as is necessary for the dog to get to know that guarding is his job.

SOme may see dog training as manipulative, and maybe even mean. I would want to persuade such a person otherwise. Training a yorkie or any other breed of dog for that matter is a favor not only to the owner, but also to the dog.

Once a dog has been taught fierceness, the lessons are extremely difficult to unlearn. Never treat your dog unkindly.

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